Speaking Ministry
Evangelist DeWayne Howard
DeWayne Howard surrendered his life to follow Jesus at the young age of 7 at Madison Street Baptist Church in McMinnville, Tennessee. Later, at the age of 10, he surrendered to the call of God to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ while attending Cedar Grove Baptist Church in Kingston, Tennessee. From that day forward, he never looked back.
He has served in full time ministry most of his life, including youth ministry, senior pastor, traveling evangelist, gospel singer, and church planter. His passion in life is to love God and love people as commanded by Jesus. His passion is lived out by his desire and efforts to grow the kingdom of God by pointing the lost, hurting, and broken to Jesus Christ through the cross of Calvary.
He is an excellent communicator and relates well to audiences of all ages. His love for laughter shines through in every message as he inspires, encourages, and challenges people with the hope that is found in God's Word, the Bible.
DeWayne has a heart for pastors and church leaders, as he himself has served in those roles and knows the struggles facing those in ministry and their families. He's been called, "the pastor's pastor."
He is available for revivals, crusades, one day events, camps, retreats, conferences, and Vacation Bible Schools. Contact us today to schedule him to come to your church or venue.
He has served in full time ministry most of his life, including youth ministry, senior pastor, traveling evangelist, gospel singer, and church planter. His passion in life is to love God and love people as commanded by Jesus. His passion is lived out by his desire and efforts to grow the kingdom of God by pointing the lost, hurting, and broken to Jesus Christ through the cross of Calvary.
He is an excellent communicator and relates well to audiences of all ages. His love for laughter shines through in every message as he inspires, encourages, and challenges people with the hope that is found in God's Word, the Bible.
DeWayne has a heart for pastors and church leaders, as he himself has served in those roles and knows the struggles facing those in ministry and their families. He's been called, "the pastor's pastor."
He is available for revivals, crusades, one day events, camps, retreats, conferences, and Vacation Bible Schools. Contact us today to schedule him to come to your church or venue.
Outreach/Evangelism Training
After following Steve Sjogren, the SE Expert and Guru, and learning the ins and outs of Servant Evangelism, DeWayne was hooked on showing God's love to people in real and practical ways to show them Jesus.
DeWayne does a two-day Servant Evangelism Intensive that is designed to give participants information on SE that they will receive that is not published anywhere else. This is the latest information, stories that are up to date from around the world that are highly motivational. These two days are partly instructional, partly a motivational rally, partly a get together of
lots of like-minded people who desire to reach their cities for Christ. One of the highlights is going out to do a big SE outreach to the city, then getting back together to share stories of what happened while we eat tasty pizza together.
Contact us today and schedule a Servant Evangelism Weekend Intensive at your church and get your people out to win your city for Christ.
DeWayne does a two-day Servant Evangelism Intensive that is designed to give participants information on SE that they will receive that is not published anywhere else. This is the latest information, stories that are up to date from around the world that are highly motivational. These two days are partly instructional, partly a motivational rally, partly a get together of
lots of like-minded people who desire to reach their cities for Christ. One of the highlights is going out to do a big SE outreach to the city, then getting back together to share stories of what happened while we eat tasty pizza together.
Contact us today and schedule a Servant Evangelism Weekend Intensive at your church and get your people out to win your city for Christ.